BDNF protein seems to be reduced in its expression in depression - but is actually increased in cognition (LTP). Can anyone provide a clear molecular and / or genetic explanation for these opposing relationships?
Depressed patients, due to chronic stress exhibit pathological changes in limbic (hippocampus, basal ganglia and amygdala) and cortical brain regions, that are implicated in affective and cognitive impairments observed in depression.
Also, in postmortem studies, distinct reductions in hippocampal volume are seen in patients with HPA hyperactivity. Since hippocampus is central brain region for cognition (LTP), seems that the reduction of its volume or any other structural impairment due to stress, may affects the concentration of BDNF, and lower it.
For more details on the molecular mechanisams, I found Ronald Duman's research group very helpfull.
Maybe the following references can be ussefull to you.