Innovation is a ongoing journey and for people when they want to be innovative they need to direct themselves into an analytical path.
The Firm's or Individual's strategy should direct the analytical atmosphere, and the analytical atmosphere must encourage the firm’s or individual strategy. This is how firms or individual achieve their goals.....
That is a difficult question. One could assume a cause-and-effect relationship. Analytics as cause, innovation as effect. Maybe there are mediator or moderator variables. On the other hand, both terms would have to be specified more precisely. What is meant by innovation? Something new? Something new that was successfully introduced to the market? A new idea? The latter can emerge somewhere. That would probably not be analytical? One could also ask whether innovation cannot have a synthetic character. Maybe this article will help as a starting point:
Data Analytic and Big data is fashion of the day as for as money and banking is concerned by developing cryptocurrency and big innovation in banking and finance industry.