Tomato plant have severe damage of fruits and young leaves. Mosaic pattern on leaves and necrotic symptoms on fruits, leaves, and petioles. Its it Tomato brown rugose fruit virus ? I have seen only mild damage by ToBRFV before...
If you have tested with TMV/ToMV ELISA and so you know it is a Tobamovirus, I recommend using the Alkowni primers for confirmation as we found these the best in our validation testing and during our ToBRFV outbreak in the UK.
If you have the virus, you may find some useful information here:
Alex Ignatov Let me kow how you get on and if we can offer any further support. Some other virus mixtures can do this, we have seen similar symptoms from ToMV in combination with PVX, so it would be good to know how your testing goes.
According to recent assay across greenhouses in Russia, TMV & ToMV were found in 42.1% and PVX - in 10.8% of diseased tomato plants with clear symptoms of virus infection.
Do you know if that was serology based or sequence confirmation?
Just thinking You could use the Menzel tobamovirus primers as these are generic and would give you a better indication of whether it is TMV or similar.
This is a virus plant disease sign, definitely. Moreover, i saw the aphid on leaf surface and this insects can transfer the virus among plants.Even, the virus cause cold damage.
Adrian Fox Majority of tested diseased plants were infected by TMV+PVY. So far, TVM was not different from the type strain (in protein coat gene sequence)