9 Questions 227 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Seied Mehdi Miri
Symptoms of burning of Syngonium leaf tip (below picture) are related to a disease or caused by excessive salts or deficiency of elements such as potassium?
24 November 2018 1,922 2 View
As we know, the chemical pesticides or fungicides in the fruit are not eliminated by washing. Since these toxins are soluble in water, does the immersion of fruits in water (from 20 min for grapes...
20 October 2018 7,682 1 View
What is more effective in treating diabetes, given that there is a lot of variation in the genus of Allium?
13 August 2018 4,670 3 View
What are the medicinal benefits and anti-diabetic effects of barberry (Berberis vulgaris) in human?
12 August 2018 2,087 4 View
Spraying GA3 and BA on the rose have extraordinary effects on the flowering, and I want to do this on chrysanthemum. Does anyone have an experience or article on the effect of these hormones on mum?
23 July 2018 5,424 4 View
The apple fruits bought from the market after a few days in the refrigerator changed their skin color from red to almost brown, while the fruit was healthy and no signs of a pathogen were seen,...
20 April 2018 8,392 11 View
What is the cause of whitening and bad tasting of grape berries from the fruit stalk after storage?
16 April 2018 645 12 View
Hello I rooted cuttings of rose and sprayed them with arginine and glutamine amino acids. What is the mechanism of their effect on the growth of rooted cuttings?
20 February 2018 2,517 0 View
Hello Could anyone provide me a reliable and efficient protocol for micropropagation of date palm (from disinfection to plantlet adaptation in the greenhouse) without genetic changes occurring...
22 January 2018 5,531 6 View