Dear colleagues, what is the product of scientific research? The question is not as simple as it seems at first glance. For example, in my opinion, an article itself is not always a product. This is a form of product presentation, nothing more.
The product of scientific research not only product presentation, but to communicate with others, thought, creativity, culture, commitment, skills development, progress of countries, etc., Especially applied research.
The product of scientific research is new knowledge. These can be regularities of physical and chemical processes, new (specified) dependencies of the target functions of technological processes on the parameters, new natural phenomena.
New knowledge should be verified by the scientific community, a published paper is one of way to verify findings and to associate novelty to the author(s).
Unfortunately, in many cases, the number of publications is considered the main criterion for productivity. At best, the impact factor of the logs is taken into account. Scientists have to write a lot of articles. As a result, everyone writes and no one has time to read someone else's work, at least in order not to repeat the old results. I often say that I have written 3 times more articles than Peter Kapitsa, but Kapitsa is 10 times more productive than me as a scientist.
The product of scientific research not only product presentation, but to communicate with others, thought, creativity, culture, commitment, skills development, progress of countries, etc., Especially applied research.
The product of scientific research is in different directions: the creation of new methods of analysis and new technologies, the discovery of new dependencies for the impact of various environmental factors on human health, new possibilities for waste utilization, new waste gas and water treatment facilities, the creation of new medicines and new therapies, and more .... It is very important that research is a practical application.
I believe that a proven theorem is certainly a scientific product, but a pure idea is not such a product. I don't know if we can consider Hilbert's problems as an independent scientific product? I mean the statement of the problem, not the solution.
Dear colleagues, an important problem for me is to evaluate the productivity of a scientist. If we can’t clearly define what a scientific product is, then we can’t compare the productivity of two specialists. I emphasize, not ability, but productivity. So far, I have not seen a clear definition anywhere, only a list of product types. Meanwhile, specialists working in the same field can clearly say that specialist A is more productive than specialist B.
I my understanding, the product of research is always a new information. It can be true or false, applicable or not. However, the contribution of this information to the knowledge of truth about the universe is debatable. History taught us that well accepted 'scientific' facts can be very misguiding, e.g. geocentrism, phlogiston theory, spontaneous generation, alchemy, etc. I suppose, at any given period of history scientists always had the same feeling of completeness of their understanding of nature :-)
Therefore, there are two (at least) levels of productivity:
1) amount of information obtained multiplied by the amount of people who agree
2) amount of true knowledge, which can only by judged retrospectively by the society with far more superior tools
Dear Anton, I think you're narrowing down the field of scientific products. In my opinion, penicillin or atomic bomb are scientific products, but they do not fit your definition.
Dear M.Markov, I think they actually fit perfectly well. In order to make something you need the information of how to do it. Without an information of how the atom is build and how fungi protect themselves from bacteria there would no bomb or antibiotic. The information is always a primary and universal product, and later it can be used or not.
For science, by definition, the main product of scientific research is scientific knowledge. For basic research, the main thing is the search for basic knowledge; for applied research, the main thing is the search for practical solutions with using basic knowledge, for example, to create new technologies and use in production. In any case, scientific publications or presentations are the main form for public recognition or non-recognition of scientific results.
The truth is not determined by how many scholarly articles have been published or by how many people believe them, but by what theory corresponds to the observed facts (Donald E. Scott).
I always considered that, as a researcher, my role for the society was to increase the knowledge foundation for everyone in the scientific community. I think we mostly have a commun objective, to make this world better for everyone (i know it's a bit romantic). In that way, the product of scientific research is a brick of knowledge that you add to this global knowledge wall (it's what I tell to my students too). It can be a verification and/or an update from an old research, the development of a new concept or even an idea or a new way of thinking on certain subjects.
I know it's not very accurate today, but it would be a lot easier for everyone if we all worked together.
Thank you Prof M. Markov for this interesting question.