09 September 2017 6 4K Report

I'm doing extraction of saponin from banana peels. i use vanillin-sulfuric acid assay to but got some error. all my samples become black after incubation and give 3.00 absorbance. may i know what colour i should observe after adding sulfuric acid? 

the procedure  of the assay that i follow from literature review:

-1 ml of sample extract + 0.25 ml 8% (v/v) vanillin + 2.5 ml 72% H2SO4

-incubate mixture in 60oC water bath for 10 minutes, then in ice for 15 minutes

-record A544

*when i add acid, the mixture become yellow and darker over time, totally black after incubation

does anyone know any journals that i can refer to regarding this assay? i need to find out the function of vanillin, reaction of acid with my sample/saponin. 

Thanks a lot!

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