The number of consumer electronics has increased considerably specially in residential buildings, I would like to know What is the percentage of the DC electric loads? or any research papers regarding this topic?
Yeah in most systems there is a SMPS (Switched mode power supply) but there are LED lamps with just a single diode, which is active in one phase halve. Hence this is DC. But most equipment in the home is DC powered, an adapter (SMPS) is needed to power it. On a wider view a complete new building in NL is a DC building... DC powered, but the are using a huge SMPS to provide the DC, is this a DC load or an AC load depends on your view.
Dear Bhupendra, thank you very much for contributing to the answers, what I meant the loads that are internally DC powered, for example consumer electronics need always adapter in order to be powered from the mains but they are DC loads.