I want to know the best protocol for annotating protein from a raw sequence to a functional protein. There are many bioinformatic tools to perform this, but which one is best? If you mention the step-wise protocol, it will be helpful.
If you have the raw NGS sequences. Then before annotation you need to assemble them. Number of tools are available, but I will recommend Trinity(http://trinityrnaseq.sourceforge.net/) as it has the integrated pipeline for the annotation.
A simple way to get started is to use a tool such as ORF finder (Open-Reading-Frame) to identify potential proteins in all six reading frames from raw DNA data.
Then you can link directly to potential proteins by clicking on identified ORF's, or you can download the results and blast against a consolidated protein database. I usually start with PFAM, because it contains highly conserved proteins across multiple organisms, so I am more likely to get a reliable hit.
Another option is to use the free-ware version of Blast2Go, but this can be very time consuming. After assembly by Trinity (as suggested above), or another algorithm such as Velvet (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/~zerbino/velvet/) you can break it down into smaller pieces and run Blast2Go. For 2 million reads, it took me about 8 days to use Blast2Go.