This will be the central issue & will stand at the most medical diseases and environmental disaster. The sum of all few is that it may consume life from our planets.
Rising of sea level due to melting of ice from polar regions or glaciers leading to loss of many islands, extreme weather conditions which cause death of many people, loss of wildlife due to loss of habitat and incidence of new diseases which was not reported earlier.
Arvind SinghThe outbreak is one of the interesting issues, and I think it is different from the type of disease in each region, although it is interesting to note that the areas that have gotten out of the disease, or not even suffer from this disease.
Climate change may indeed have dangerous consequences ranging from total annihilation of the Earth to unwanted population redistribution, spread of epidemic diseases , and unprecedented socio-ethnic conflicts.
Earth, is facing severe climate imbalances due to the extended abuse during the past few centuries. The average temperature of the planet has predicted rise of 2.5 to 11.5°F over the next century due to climate change. These minor temperature changes can prove to be very dangerous in the future. Global warming is an issue haunting several countries of the world. With the constant increase of greenhouse gases the situation is expected to worsen.
Climate change refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time. In other words, climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among other effects, that occur over several decades or longer.
@Safia Belhadj Yes, destruction of the ecosystem is one of the main consequences that causes extinction and poverty and war between biological species.
@Yehya A. Salih deer professor, Thank you for your attention and response. Do some areas suffer from lowering the temperature of the air? For example, beaches are affected by cold ocean currents.
@Sajda Taha Mahmood You mentioned the interesting point. The poor countries will be much affected by this phenomenon and are likely to be the most damaging.
The most dangerous consequence could be a psychological trauma - because at least in near future (say, a 100 years) there will be no substantial changes at all.
Even very insignificant (temporary?) warming - water reserves will remain sufficient, for example, due to melting of polar ice. no reason to worry, neither to panic
Climate change affects all regions around the world. Polar ice shields are melting and the sea is rising. In some regions extreme weather events and rainfall are becoming more common while others are experiencing more extreme heat waves and droughts.
Melting ice and rising seas :
When water warms up it expands. At the same time global warming causes polar ice sheets and glaciers to melt.
The combination of these changes is causing sea levels to rise, resulting in flooding and erosion of coastal and low lying areas.
Extreme weather, shifting rainfall :
Heavy rain and other extreme weather events are becoming more frequent. This can lead to floods and decreasing water quality, but also decreasing availability of water resources in some regions.
Risks for human health :
Climate change is already having an impact on health:
There has been an increase in the number of heat-related deaths in some regions and a decrease in cold-related deaths in others.
We are already seeing changes in the distribution of some water-borne illnesses and disease vectors.
Costs for society and economy:
Damage to property and infrastructure and to human health imposes heavy costs on society and the economy.
Between 1980 and 2011 floods affected more than 5.5 million people and caused direct economic losses of more than €90 billion.
Sectors that rely strongly on certain temperatures and precipitation levels such as agriculture, forestry, energy and tourism are particularly affected.
Risks for wildlife :
Climate change is happening so fast that many plants and animal species are struggling to cope.
Many terrestrial, freshwater and marine species have already moved to new locations. Some plant and animal species will be at increased risk of extinction if global average temperatures continue to rise unchecked.
Climate change is consequence of global warming or in other words global warming causes climate change. So how global warming can be a dangerous consequence of climate change?
Damage to property and infrastructure and to human health imposes heavy costs on society and the economy.
Climate change is happening so fast that many plants and animal species are struggling to cope.
Many terrestrial, freshwater and marine species have already moved to new locations. Some plant and animal species will be at increased risk of extinction if global average temperatures continue to rise unchecked.
Saadoun Salimi Endangering food security, disease, migration, and so on ... One of the main challenges of the occurrence of the phenomenon of climate change, which in the event of neglected and neglected, We will be in deep crisis in the near future.. but Buildings and urban activities have two physical and chemical effects on climatic changes, which increase chemical pollutants and increase the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Therefore human activity has played an important role in increasing the speed of climate change and its dangerous consequences.
Farshad Pazhoh Yes, Dr. Pazhoh, in the climate change, the whole globe is in danger, and the balance between biosphere and the atmosphere is disturbed, which causes the destruction of the earth's life.
ِAbsolutely No! I do not mean drinking water because it is an order, Dear Sir. Saadoun Salimi , I mean the effects of climate on rivers, rain, ice, groundwater and evaporation rate.
I read yesterday that an extremely large glacier has been discovered with a huge hole in it, which it is predicted may cause an enormous rise in sea levels. If so and coast lines are swamped, half the world's most important cities will be submerged causing even greater migration-and possibly poverty and conflict.
Diseases and accidents caused by new weather conditions, like what is happening in N. America right now with the new phenomenon of the Arctic Vortex. Meteorologists have explained it. Basically warm air from N. Africa displaces the air in the North Pole that, in its turn, blasts frigid air on top of us. It is unbearable!
Climate change affects all regions around the world. Polar ice shields are melting and the sea is rising. In some regions extreme weather events and rainfall are becoming more common while others are experiencing more extreme heat waves and droughts.
Climate changes may result in the rise of temperature causing floods that destroy buildings and crops. Also, the may cause a lot of diseases to humanbeings. Hurricanes, thunder storms and ferocious rains are caused by weather changes.
Climate change is having an impact on health :There has been an increase in the number of heat-related deaths in some regions and a decrease in cold-related deaths in others.
Although many polar bears will die, a number will adjust and even become again more like their close cousins, brown bears, inhabiting similar environments. Seals will also make adaptations as their diet and environments are wider than Polar Bears. What is at risk are the animals that live permanantly under the ice as they become vulnerable to new predators from warmer seas to the south. They are likely to be decimated.
I agree with Stanley, many creatures will adapt, however, the evolutionary playing field is now full of plastic - we are not fighting this war on just one front. In fact, in the final analysis, I'm not sure that we are fighting this war at all!
I don't have time to read all of the previous answers, and I am sure someone must have said this before. Nevertheless, it should be pointed out at every opportunity:-
Dr Salimi,
I have a question for you. The billions of tons of ice at the poles, (in places tens of miles thick) must have effectively stored up an astonishing amount of potential energy; energy in the form of a heat gradient(or difference) between the poles and the billions of tons of warm water in the equatorial and sub-equatorial oceans. If this potential energy finds a dynamic solution to the problem of forming a self-reinforcing energy flow - we shall find ourselves sitting on an enormous heat engine - with no governor. I believe that the beginnings of that heat engine is battering the eastern seaboard of the United States every year. Is this a fair assessment?
@Anastas Ivanov Ivanov In my opinion too, the most important effect of climate change is the occurrence of war between biological species, especially humans.
@Christopher James Davia Doctor, the exchange of energy does not occur simultaneously and unexpectedly. Now, there is an exchange of energy between the poles and the equator. Only this exchange and melting are gradual and gradual, and it is gradually eliminating life. Because climate change is gradual, we can not feel much change. But these minor changes will also be devastating.