I have 2 categorical IVs(2 levels in each variable) and 3 continuous DVs. One IV is teaching approach and the other one is education (a moderator). I'm going to examine the effect of the 2 IVs on DVs and the interaction effect of the moderator on the relation between teaching approach and DVs. So my study is 2*2 factorial design with 1 experimental group and 1 control group. I'm going to use 2-way Manova to analyse data (if the two groups are homogeneous).
But I'm not sure about the minimum number of sample size for two-way MANOVA. In my study, there will be 38-70 pariticipants in each of the two groups.And I will need to categorize participants in each group into urban and rural subgroups. So I would like to know what is the minimum number for each subgroup (urabn/ rural group) if I use 2-way MANOVA to analyse data. And if the sample size for each subgroup is not equal, may I still use 2-way MANOVA? Is there any solution to deal with uneqaul sample size in each subgroup?
I would really appreciate your help!!!