The UV-vis spectra of ZnO-NPs prepared in ethanol solution (30% in deionized water) were recorded over the range of 200–1000 nm by a UV-vis Evolution 300 PC (Thermo Scientific, Japan). you can read more in the following reference;Article Synthesis and characterization of a narrow size distribution...
In order for the experiment to work, you’ll need to be able to get light in and out of the system. So the path length/cuvette size will dictate this as well as the particle concentration.
What do you want to measure? (ZnO+Acetate?, bandgap?, medium(abosorbing inpurities))
ZnO have a very strong absorbance below it's bandgap (365nm) which also dependents on the size of the particles. As a general rule absorbance (log(1/T))should be smaller than 1 which for ZnO might not be possible for the whole range. I suggest deluting the sample until the calulated bandgap (onset of absorbance) does not change anymore.
Whitin the article and the supporting Information you will find UV-vis during precipitation (1mm thickness) and in ethanolic dispersion.
Article Synthesis and testing of ZnO nanoparticles for photo-initiat...