I am measuring growth of H. mediterranei at OD 600 nm in order to construct growth curves.
However I just read this useful guide on measuring bacterial cell growth: http://www.mpi-bremen.de/Binaries/Binary13037/Wachstumsversuch.pdf
On page 6 is says that " The proportionality between OD and cell density exists only for OD ≤ 0.4 (approximately). Because higher OD values are no longer proportional to the cell density (Fig. 4), their direct plot versus t yields a wrong (distorted) growth curve in the upper range."
Until now I thought that as long as the OD value did not exceed 1 it would be fine.
Can my measurements with values over 0.4 still be used?
Any answer is highly appreciated, especially with an explanation as to why it is like that :)