About the stability of sample for CBC or FBC, different references recommend different times (at least 8 hours and maximum 72 hours or 3 days).
About the temperature, the most common condition which is recommend is at 2-8 º C (average 4 º C).
But if you are testing a special parameter in the FBC test, this is a little different.
For example:
Red and white cell counts are maintained within acceptable limits of error for about 24
hours, but red cell indices (MCV, MCHC and MHC) are not stable more than 8 hours. When stored at 4 ºC , this conservation time increases up to 48 hours for complete blood count (CBC) and until 24 hours for RBC indexes.
Storage of K2-EDTA anti coagulated blood at room temperature for up to 4 days caused changes in some but not all hematologic parameters measured. Specifically, the WBC, RBC, HGB, and PLT were found to be stable for up to 3 days. Retic % and #, but not the IRF, were stable for the duration of the study.