Garlic is very unique for many kinds of treatment for many disease,and found as good for wide applications,something irresistible about the aroma of roasted garlic. It is so captivating with its powerful notes, that it has long been used as a flavour booster in curries, stir-fries, pizza toppings, pastas, meat preparations, dips - you name it! It has the power to instantly liven up any dish and treat some of the most common ailments.  While garlic is a common ingredient in every kitchen, in the ancient times, it was highly valued for its numerous health benefiting properties, which are still followed in many cultures today. Our ancestors have used it as a bug-repellant, Medieval Europe against plague and the Egyptians would even bury it along with their dead! Some benefits of garlic are credited to the presence of the sulphur-containing compound, Allicin, found in fresh, crushed or chewed garlic, due to which it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Some startling claims mention that it may help prevent some forms of cancer too. The health benefits of garlic are aplenty. Garlic is a part of the onion family and the 'bulb' of this herb typically consists of 10-20 smaller sections called the 'cloves'. Each small clove is a powerhouse of flavour as well as medicinal what are the medical use of garlic?

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