Does anyone know the distributions of those in the general case? We will need them to calculate, for example 'how many time in average do we need to roll a dice to get all six states'?

I've calculated that for cases 2, 3, 4 the probabilities to have all states shown in a 'k' tosses are (so 'k' - integer):

for 2: P(n=k) = 1/2^(k-1), k>1, expected tosses - 3.

for 3: P(n=k) = (2^(k-1)-2)/3^(k-1), k>2, expected tosses - 11/2.

for 4: P(n=k) = (3^(k-1)-3*2^(k-1)+3)/4^(k-1), k>3, expected tosses - 25/3.

P.S. Approximately expectations in those cases are Fibonacci numbers: 3, 5, 8. Interesting to see if it will continue further.

UPDATED: for 5: P(n=k) = 4^(k-1) - 4*3^(k-1)+2*3*2^(k-1)-4, for k>4, expected tosses - 137/12, approx. = 11.5... not fibonacci)) It is so strange to me that series with such members can sum to 1 - look at URL below for example:

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