I am interested in finding out the availability of ECGs (EKGs) in countries with developing health care system. Any information for public or private hospitals, rural, urban or mission hospitals will be gratefully received.
Our hospital in Mantua and a NGO in 2012 donated 4 equipped ambulances and 6 defibrillators ECG to be allocated to the region of Bongouanou in Ivory Coast. I trained 35 doctors, nurses and midwives to BLSD.
Richard, the hub hospital of Mantua serves 400000 people; all spoke hospitals have ECG machine and all ALS (ambulances with doctor or nurse) have ECG machine, with transmission in Cardiology and Emergency Medical Station.
You seem to have a very advanced service in the Ivory Coast. Perhaps I can contact you in the future regarding your set-up? Very Impressive Regards Richard
Richard I'm sorry but there is probably a misunderstanding; I live in Mantua in Italy while the donation of ambulances and ECG was done to the ivory coast
I live in Bangladesh. ECG machines are available in either public or private or both sectors in most parts of the country. The problem is that ECG is often done by the untrained personnel, also clinicians capable of interpreting ECG correctly are few in number. However, the situation is improving gradually.