I am looking for oxygen flux calculation in B20-water system but did not find any values for diffusion coefficient of oxygen/biodiesel in the literature. Any suggestions?
From Standard Norm EN 14213, in Biodiesel blends the minimun value of Oxidation Stability ( a parameter linked to Diffusion Coefficient of Oxygen) at 110°C must be of 4 hours (tests based on EN 12662 and 14112).
Thank you for your response. I agree that the oxygen stability is linked with diffusion coefficient. But I did not find any equations which correlate these two parameter.
Probably, you can estimate it via solubility of oxygen? Another variant is just to use diffusion of oxygen in fats and oils. It should be some information about this. In my point of view, the diffusion of oxygen in biodiesel will be 2-3 times higher, when compared with diffusion of oxygen in water.
I am not sure if the diffusion would be similar for fat and biodiesel as the properties are different. I will use your rough estimation in my calculations.