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Questions related from Gianluca Argentini
Let f be a real continuous 2Pi (= 2 x 3.14...) -periodic function with Fourier series having null all the harmonic components of order < N. The Sturm-Hurwitz Theorem states that f has at least 2N...
16 November 2017 4,873 1 View
What is the state of art about synthetic fuels, liquid or gaseous? Are there yet some examples of use for flame/combustion process? Gianluca
15 November 2017 8,665 3 View
As minimal surface we can consider a surface (in R3 or Rn or Cn, where C = complex field) with zero mean curvature. What are the most useful applications to scientific disciplines or technical...
10 November 2017 8,114 8 View
Banach-Tarski Theorem (also known as Paradox) is a mathematical statement which says that a sphere can be splitted into two (or an integer N...) spheres each equal to the original one. Do you know...
31 October 2017 9,505 2 View
Which is the status of mathematical research about existence and unicity for Navier-Stokes equations (and boundary problems) for finite or infinite domains? Gianluca
18 October 2017 1,761 3 View
In a 2010 paper Construction of classic exact solutions for Tricomi equation I have proposed a method for generalized Tricomi pde uxx + a(x)uyy = 0 construction of analytical solutions. But there...
11 October 2017 8,541 4 View
Applicability on the range of fluid dynamics for bodies moving in a fluid such air, Re about 103. Thanks. Gianluca
19 September 2017 4,576 4 View