03 February 2024 4 8K Report

I am a bit confused about the interaction effect of a two-way ANOVA and moderation.


For example, I want to examine how the intensity of exercise (i.e. 1 = walking; 2 = running) affects the amount of calories burned. I suspect that higher intensity exercise (i.e. running than walking) lead to more calories burned. However, I suspect that the gender of the participants may also have an effect. For example, among male, higher intensity exercise should lead to more calories burned than female.

In this case, should I use (1) two-way anova, and see whether the two independent variables (i.e. "intensity of exercise" and "gender of the participants") have a significant interaction effect; OR (2) moderation analysis using PROCESS Macro of SPSS and see whether the interaction term of the independent variable (i.e. "intensity of exercise") and the moderator (i.e. "gender") is significant?

My confusion:

To me, it seems that no matter which analyses, as long as it gives me a significant result, I can still interpret the result the same way, and answer my hypothesis. Therefore, I would like to know the rationale in choosing which analyses to use in similar cases. Is it related to the nature of my variables (i.e. categorical/ continuous) or are there other reasons?

Can anybody help? Thank you.

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