I wonder,  I performed a series of confirmatory factor analysis with depression , anxiety and stress scale responses and found that when a added a general stres factor (second order) goodness of fit statistics getting worse. If I perform bifactor analysis goodness of fit statistics better than originally proposed correlated three factor model with corraleted errors but factor specific factor loading is generally lower than accepted standart between 0.19 to .40 but for generalfactor high (e.g. .45 to .65 as far as remember). However, goodness of fit statistics for correlated three factor model with corraleted errors and bifactor analysis almost the same although bifactor analysis results slightly better. Both goodness of fit statistics good fit to data. My first question, What do you advice for this results? I am thinking to report correlated three factor model with corraleted errors.Because ıt is theoritically sensible. My second question, ıf second order confirmatory factor model and bifactor model both posit a general factor why bifactor model significantly better fit to data? What is the differance between this method

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