In many cases very similar plants is not the same. Firstly decide what Gnaphalium polycephalum you means? According to Gnaphalium polycephalum Michx. is provisionally accepted name, but Gnaphalium polycephalum Willd. ex Spreng. is a synonim to Helichrysum nodiflorum DC. (provisionally accepted name) ( Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G.Don ( is also provisionally accepted name. If names accepted after revision it means that it is two separate valid species. I recommend you to find the description of Asteraceae genus in local flora. Maybe you find some differences here. Another good way to solve this problem - to find the first descriptions of these species. Yuo can find all necessary bibliographic references on You may to type name of the plant on this page, to get the reference clique on author of every taxon.