01 January 1970 18 1K Report

Dear Colleagues,

The term of bending strength and flexural strength are interchangeably used to measure the strength of ceramic materials. I am aware about the bending strength. Ceramic materials are brittle in nature and lack of plasticity. Hence, bending strength is difficult to count preciously in ceramic materials. However, there are numerous papers measured bending strength of several ceramic materials.

Flexural strength is another frequent used strength measurement for ceramics.

1-What are the main differences between these terms?

2- Why these strengths are important to measure separately?

3-are these strengths can be related to other strengths such as compressive strength of ceramics?

4- is there any difference in the relationship of porosity, microstructure features, density and other parameters relation with bending strength and flexural strength separately?

Thank you very much for your kind contribution and assistance.

Yours sincerely,


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