01 January 1970 3 4K Report

I would like to conduct a research and this is related to my previously asked question in this link: https://www.researchgate.net/post/What_statistical_test_should_i_use5

Previously, i presumed to be using interrupted time series by proposing an intervention and then compare the result of it to the previous one. It would be a quasi experimental because of lockdown and limited social interaction.

As i research deeper, i think my research design would be causal-comparative research?

I found out that causal-comparative (retrospective) have three types

a. exploration of the cause

b. exploration of the effects

c. exploration of the consequence.

and i think that :

1. it would be better if i do exploration of the effects by comparing the results of two groups: my school who has not yet done this proposed intervention and the other school who have been doing this already for some time.

2. Is my question asked in this link :


can be considered as exploration of the consequence ?Because, after i gather the data in exploration of effects, i want to apply the intervention in my own school.

Is it okay to do both explorations in one research?What are the suggested statistical tool should i use if i do both explorations?

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