I am working on Chlamydia trachomatis characterization and I would like to use molecular methods rather than serologic method. Can anyone provide me with the protocol for identification of serovars using ompA or omp1 gene.
Omp1 gene sequencing is used to differentiate Chlamydia trachomatis serovars. It encodes for the Major Outer Membrane Protein or MOMP. Some studies provided that MOMP is a porin that forms β barrels, which composed of conserved domains and variable domains. A MOMP sequence heterogeneity is observed in serovars which mainly localized to the variable domain. MOMP sequence variability may be due to the host selection and bacterial adaptation. However, recent studies concerning nucleotide and amino acid substitutions for omp1 and MOMP found out that there is a lack of evolutionary pattern regarding with disease or tissue tropism. There are also other studies emphasize the importance of isolating strains from sex workers, which is a core group in propagating circulating strains, to evaluate the MOMP diversity. In conclusion, urogenital infection are commonly associated with serovars D to K, while serovars D, E and F are the most common.
Reference: Lister, N., Tabrizi, S., Fairley C., Smith, A., Janssen, P., Garrland, S. (2004). Variability of the Chlamydia trachomatis omp1 Gene Detected in Samples from Men Tested in Male-Only Saunas in Melbourne, Australia. Retrieved from Article Variability of the Chlamydia trachomatis omp1 Gene Detected ...