The tannins are determined in four steps: I assessment of total phenolic material in plant sample extracts using the Folin-Denis technique, (ii) manufacture of hydrated, chromed hide-powder, (iii) tannin absorption onto hide-powder, and (iv) analysis of phenolic materials in the solution remaining after tannin absorption.
The Folin-Ciocalteu technique is a widely used method for quantifying phenolics. If you need more comprehensive phytochemical measurement, HPLC-UV or LC-MS is advised for quantification and identification.
The powdered plant leaves of the test plant (1.0 g) are weighed into a beaker, and 10 ml of distilled water is added. For five minutes, the mixture is brought to a boil. Then, two drops of 5% FeCl3 are added. The presence of tannins is shown by the formation of a greenish precipitate.
i have done quantitative analysis through Folin-Ciocalteu technique. I need formula for the conversion of absorption (via UV spectrometer) to exactly find out the content in mg/g gallic acid equivalent/g samplre.