I was interested to study the weed communities in certain area and correlates with climate. What is better to collect climate data during the year of study or during the past several years and what the best number of years to be expressive?
If I understood well your question, you want to know the period of the year as well as the minimum no. of years to be considerd in order to investigate the correlation betwen the climate change and weed communities spread?
If so, I would suggest to consider all four seasons of the year and highest number of years possible so that you could obtain some credible data. However, it depends on what weed species you want to study, if it is a weed growing in spring or summer or autumn and s on, its life cycle etc.
climate of one year may be not enough, as climate is changeable, it is better to take in consideration the climate of several years. Of course, there is a relation between distribution, growth performance, etc of your studied weeds.