10 October 2019 3 4K Report

In COMSOL Multiphysics, I notice that using the Generalized Alpha with strict/intermediate time steps is the best way to converge my structural based nonlinear solution. In BDF, I get lot of fluctuations in the solutions.

Using GA with small enough time steps, fluctuations in solutions can be reduced. But making very small steps (constant through out the simulation), makes the solver to take forever to complete one simulation (for example 1e-4 time step and I have to solve for total 4e3 seconds). I want to update the time step (variable time steps) based on the difference in solution between previous and current time. If it is too high then change the timestep otherwise keep the highest value (which is the time stored in output).

To achieve this, I am using "nojac operator" in the ODE and DAE module to store the previous solution and taking the difference in global variables, this way I have defined a piece-wise function to update the time step based on solution difference. I am still getting few (one or two) fluctuations.

I just want to ask, anyone have experienced this type of problem before? If have, what do you think should be the best way to solve this? Is there anyother way to get rid of the fluctuation in the solutions?


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