I have two different tissue sample with labelled pyramidal cells. It looks they have different signal intensity. I would like to quantify them. What is the best way to do it?
I usually quantify the DAB staining with ImageJ Software using Color Deconvolution plugin. After using the plugin for DAB staining, I use a good number of images (for eg. images with maximum signal and least background and some with very high background) to find the correct threshold where I have maximum signal and least background for all the images. I apply this threshold limit for each image and get the signal intensity.
I can provide further details if you would like to use ImageJ.
Thank you very much your answer. I would like to use ImageJ also. I have a lot of slides, and I would like to measure a huge amount of cells. How I can set treshold? did you measure integrated optical density or mean grey value? Please send me a detailed protocol if it is possible, or attach a publication. Thanks a lot :