Hi Everyone,

I want to know some of the best tools or platforms for planning research works (PhD or/and Master's research). Till now I have been using MS Excel to schedule my work, but it is not smart. So, I want to know if a tool or platform is there to use as a daily, weekly, or monthly planner. It can be free or paid; app-based (which means I have to download it on my computer and use it), web-based (which means it's only available online), or both; licensed or unlicensed; AI-based or without AI assistant.

I will give some options for our research community to comment in the chat below. The options are:-

1. MS-Excel

2. Google Calendar

3. MS-Word (making tables)

4. Desktop apps (with AI assistant)

5. Desktop apps (without AI assistant)

6. Web-based apps (with AI assistant)

7. Web-based apps (without AI assistant)

8. No digital planner, only personal diary

9. Other ways

If your option is other ways please mention.

Thank you.


Kaustav Sengupta

#plannertool #tool #researchtool #researchplanner #dailyplanner #weeklyplanner #monthlyplanner #schedule #plannerapp #ai #aicommunity #plannerly #researchers #research #researchcommunity #researchstudy #researchmethods #researchassistant #elsevier #researchjourney

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