I want to perform western blotting in mouse embryos while knowing their genotype. I want to collect as much sample as possible for western blotting, and do it as quickly as possible after dissection. In stead of splitting the fresh embryo into two parts for western blotting and genotyping at the beginning, can I treat the whole embryo following western blotting sample preparation procedure, and then take out a little sample from that embryo for genotyping? Below is my brief procedure: 

Freeze the fresh embryos by liquid nitrogen. When ready, thaw the embryos and put them in homogenization buffer, and homogenate samples. Take several microlitters for genotyping, and the rest for western blotting.

I'm not sure if the genomic DNA can survive the homogenization buffer before genotyping.  My homogenization buffer contains sucrose, EDTA, EGTA, HEPES, SDS, protease inhibitor, and protein phosphatase inhibitor. 

Any comments or alternative strategies are welcome! Thank you! 

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