Code_Aster is a free and open source software package for civil and structural engineering, finite element analysis, and numerical simulation in structural mechanics which was originally developed as an in-house application by the French company EDF. It was released under the terms of the GNU General Public License in October 2001.
FEAPpv is a general purpose finite element analysis program which is designed for research and educational use (If you are looking for FEAP and not FEAPpv please see
SalomeMeca It is a generic FEM code, but EDF implemented a lot of civil engineering modelling and laws (for cracking, creep, shrinkage, AAR, steel rebar corrosion, prestressing simulation, early age effects...). if you are interested in, tailor made training are possible. To start with, I suggest to browse the forum. Don't hesitate to ask for further information to me or on the site contacts.