There are number of other choices such as soil vapor extraction, Multi Phase Extraction when soil and groundwater are to be remediated together, and nanoremediation by nano-sized reactive agents to immobilize contaminants. The choice of remediation method depends on the type of contaminants, cost, timeframe, risks and benefits for each methods. For example, bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils
It depends on the nature of the contaminant to be cleaned up e.g. organic, heavy metal, radionuclides etc. Since your question is rather general, I would simply prefer bio-remediation.
Dear Hewa: to be able to answer which methods is the best, there must clear at first what should be treated. It means soil or groundwater, what kind of pollutant (the best method for metals is not the best for polychlorinated pollutants) should be treated, should be the remediation performed in-situ or ex-situ, what are the treatment limits (what is the remediation goal) etc. To get reliable answer to your question you have to specify what should be treated and where. Best regards
Bio reactor and bio venting are the best. I've been working on choosing the most and the least sustainable technique to clean up contaminated soil and groundwater