Its main principle is: « …Google employees have diverse needs, and this diversity requires flexible and individually directed support. The priority is to offer customizable program that can be tailored to the specific needs of each individual » (Eric Schmidt, Google’s CEO).
In order to satisfy the diverse needs of all employees, Google offers intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.
- Extrinsic rewards as: First class dining, facilities, Gyms , Laundry rooms, Massage rooms, Haircuts , Car washes, Dry Cleaning; Free health,...
Employees are put first by prioritizing a favorable and agreeable environment to work around.
- Intrinsic rewards in Google are based on the principle of "FREEDOM".
Talented managers come to Google, essentially, for freedom.
The main characteristics of the work process constitute intrinsic rewards which are:
absence of hierarchy, tiny work groups, the structure is flat to maximize creativity, absence of official channels, so ideas can flow within group, focusing on multiple smaller work groups that may have a project manager overseen by commitees,...