I have been researching propensity score matching to create a control group to a few schools that have received an intervention (N=25). I have a lot of covariates I could match on but have not found any research about what would be a maximum given the size of the sample pool I could use. I figured a 1-to-1 matching technique would be useful to get a control group of 25 schools but I am not sure how many variablesI could use to get the closest match of 25 schools not receiving intervention. I realize theory is important; for example, including poverty index or school population. But I want to know how many variables could maximize the propensity score given the potential reservoir. Is there a formula that you can add a covariate for every 100 samples available in the reservoir? So, if you had 200 schools available as potential controls, you could only use 2 variables within your propensity score matching regression.

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