If u r asking about the 16S rRNA gene sequencing service providers, it is the same as any DNA sequencing service. Just ask the sequencing service to use the primers you have used during PCR amplification of the gene.
If you are asking about the service for 16S rDNA identification of bacterial strains, i.e., the whole service, you can contact DSMZ in Germany.
Alternatevely, you can collaborate with any group doing this in ur Uni or any in Egypt.
Dr Yaseer, You can inquire to us. Xcelris provides 16S rRNA Sequencing service on illumina MiSeq Platform (Paired End 300 bp). The V3-V4 (Product size ~459bp) region of 16s ribosomal RNA gene from bacterial metagenomic DNA will be amplified using specific V3-F and V4-R primers with overhang adapter via PCR and sequenced on NGS - High throughput & read length provider sequencing platform. If you wish to cover the other region (V1, V2,..V9), We can cover accordingly. Please feel free to contact me on [email protected] / Skype: devarshi.xcelris