Nowadays,laser has been used for various purposes in day to day life. more frequently it is used in shows and processions by the way of which, people get exposed to it. Please explain the effect and impact on human beings.
Laser is light with special features due to the possibility to concentrate energy in small "packets" both in space and time.
Therefore a laser source can be a useful tool and can also be harmful but it cannot be considered as an uncontrolled spreading of radiation such as, for example EMF fields due to wireless communication.
Some literature exists about laser incidents, but to discuss the impact of laser on human beings and biota is like to discuss the impact of screwdrivers
A great deal of literature is available on healing effects of laser and LED on tissue. Much of the basic effect is the result of stimulating cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondria, resulting in more ATP. Russian researcher Tiina Karu published a lot of early work. Look up LLLT or photobiomodulation on Pubmed, , Jan Tuner and Lars Hode - New Laser Therapy Handbook, , all good sources of quality research.
Laser and infrared therapy can heal a great many conditions, and very few reports of negative results or complications. Cuts, burns, infections, bones, joints, eyes, brain, nerves, heart, all respond well. Avoid use on cancer in most cases, but it can help heal after effects of cancer therapy.
Yes, but the healing effects are demosntrated for specific ranges of energy density and wavelength delivered on skin. In facts the, use of LED (incoherent) light proves that these effects are due to light and not to the coherent nature of laser light.
I wanted to remember that a number eye injuries due to laser light in public events can be traced back to some specific features of commercially available laser green pointers, search for literature with these keywords and the ones cited by Kent for reference
Laser light is monochromatic and band width is also very small therefore its energy density (number of photon per unit area) is very high therefore, it can damage if your eye is directly exposed to it. But, it is being used in a number of ways as a tool for surgery such as eye surgery, Gallbladder stones crushing and in Photo-dynamic Therapy (PTD). Its uses in other fields are also well documented.
The immediate effect can be understood from the fact that Tissues contain about 80% water and if a Laser beam falls on the tissues they will be damaged due to the dissociation of the water molecules.
Laser is a useful invention of the century but it must be used rather carefully.