What is going with physics?

Two excellent books written by experts in the field:


- and Lee Smolin and his The Trouble with Physics,

show that the Great Crisis of Physics, will not be solved if we don’t change our frame of references, abandoning once and for all, the way we are trying to solve those fundamental problems of physics. Institution such as ResearchgGate, certainly are way to make easier to obtain that goal, but then it is necessary, that people open their minds to new ways to “seeing reality”… not the one they are using in mainstream physics, such as GR and Big Bang and so on…


In our century the cosmological pendulum has swung back. The universe of present-day cosmology is more like that of Ptolemy and Augustine than that of Galileo and Kepler. Like the medieval cosmos, the modern universe is finite in time-it began in the Big Bang, and will end either in a Big Crunch or in a slow decay and dissipation of all matter. Many versions, like Stephen Hawking's, are finite in space as well, a perfect self-enclosed four-dimensional sphere. There is a gap between the heavens and the earth: in space there exist strange entities, governed by the pure and ethereal mathematics of general relativity-black holes, cosmic strings, axions-which cannot, even in principle, be studied on earth.

The nineteenth-century universe evolved by laws still in action today, as did that of the Jonians, yet the universe of modern cosmology is the product of a single, unique event, qualitatively different from anything occurring today-just as the medieval cosmos was the product of the creation. While scientists of a century ago saw a universe of continuous change, evolution, and progress, today's researchers see a degenerating universe, the ashes of a primordial explosion.

To earlier scientists, and to most of today's scientists outside cosmology, mathematical laws are descriptions of nature, not the true reality that lies behind appearances. Yet today cosmologists assume, as did Plato and Ptolemy, that the universe is the embodiment of preexisting mathematical laws, that a few simple equations, a Theory of Everything, can explain the cosmos except for what "breathed fire" into these equations to make them come alive.

Big Bang cosmology does not begin with observations but with mathematical derivations from unquestionable assumptions. When further observations conflict with theory, as they have repeatedly during the past decades, new concepts are introduced to "save the phenomenon"-dark matter, WIMPs, cosmic strings-the "epicycles" of current astronomy.”

“Alfven wrote sixty years later, "The people were told that the true nature of the physical world could not be understood except by Einstein and a few other geniuses who were able to think in four dimensions. Science was something to believe in, not something which should be understood. Soon the bestsellers among the popular science books became those that presented scientific results as insults to common sense. One of the consequences was that the limit between science and pseudo-science began to be erased. To most people it was increasingly difficult to find any difference between science and science fiction."^ Worse still, the constant reiteration of science's incomprehensibility could not fail to turn many against science and encourage anti-intellectualism.”


Eric J. Lerner


In this illuminating book, the renowned theoretical physicist Lee Smolin argues that fundamental physics – the search for the laws of nature- is loosing its way. Ambitious ideas about extra dimensions, exotic particles, multiple universes, and strings have captured the public’s imagination- and the imagination of experts. But these ideas have not been tested experimentally, and some, like string theory, seem to offer no possibility of been tested. Yet these speculations dominate the field… As Smolin points out, the situation threatens to impede the very progress of science…” Brian Appleyard, Sunday Times(London)” "

Edgar Paternina

Retired electrical engineer

[email protected]

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