1. Density-of-states: number of allowed state per unit volume per unit energy interval: see, e.g. Streetmann & Banerjee, J. Singh, D A Neamen, M S Shur books.
2. Joint DOS: DOS for electron-hole pairs having the same wave vector. It applies to optical absorption, recombination in semiconductors as well as to excitons. See any book on Optical processes; P K Basu : Theory of Optical Processes in Semiconductors, OUP; Wu and Cardona, Springer, J. Singh: Electronic and Optoelectronic processes in Semiconductors (?) Cambridge , and many more.
Density of states for a semiconductor is defined the same way as for any material: number of states in single electron approximation per energy interval per unit volume. For a semiiconductor, however two and more bands can play role, electrons in the conductivity band, holes in the valance bands. Also, for a semiconductor, more interesting characteristic is the effective density of states. But this is all well explained in textbooks on the semiconductor physics.