From my own work, I must consider creative thinking as any thinking that exceeds or explores possibilities beyond the boundary of the thinker's own knowledge and/or beliefs.
But there is a caveat...
While an individual may think creatively, ultimately, in a social context, a creative thought will be judged by others. What one individual might come to believe is a creative thought might, to others, be less so. This is particularly so if the 'creative thought' is in conflict with, or does not surpass, the knowledge and/or belief boundaries of the other.
The ability to look at a complex combination of past and future trends, existing and emerging technologies, insights and ideas, then reorganize them into a new 'elegant' pattern that when presented clearly are normally so blindingly obvious
Design, thinking process is about testing and tinkering with the re-organization of the components until they click into place
It is when in your thinking process you are taking into account the entire system that implies the analyzed structure or the subject in question, from the most probable to the most far-fetched, discovering that common sense that makes it understandable to any mortal.