New media — often known as multimedia or digital media — relies on digital means to communicate, as opposed to traditional media like print newspapers or television. New media technologies include blogs, videos, websites and internet ads.
Colleague, if you haven't found a definition anywhere, it means that you are in the best position in science: you have the opportunity to formulate your own definition of new media. Propose your own definition, and all your colleagues will refer to you or argue with you.
Sincerely, Doctor of Philology (journalism), Professor V. Vladymyrov. Kyiv, Ukraine.
The concept of new media is usually treated as a collective noun accommodating a variety of the forms of electronic communication enabled using computer technology (Friedmann & Friedmann, 2008). “These include those internet-based tools and services that allow users to engage each other, generate content, distribute, and search for information online” (Anthony & Paul, 2020).
According to Zhao (2020), “New media is not only a generic term for all social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok…it can also include all companies and technologies that produce new media, such as production, distribution, and exhibition”. Zhao adds that commercialization is intrinsically linked with new media, noting that “new media cannot be separated from commercialization”.
Key idea. Colleagues, you seem to be living in a previous historical era. Times have been changed radically last two years. Now new media are no longer connected to the Internet. It is our past. Now the new media is the Internet PLUS artificial intelligence. In December 2023, my monograph "Directions of Modernization of the Theory of Mass Communication" was published on this topic - in Ukrainian. It is here in Researchgate.
New Media encompasses digital communication and expression emerging from Internet technologies such as websites, social media, mobile apps and multimedia content, often characterized by their participation, interactivity and media convergence.
لا يوجد تعريف ثابت لوسائل الإعلام الجديد وذلك لتنوع الآراء والتجدد المستمر لهذه الوسيلة التكنولوجية
وعليه يمكن القول ان وسائل الإعلام الجديد هي الوسائل التي تعمل على اساسها العملية الإعلامية الاتصالية إذ تعتمد على الشبكة العالمية الإنترنت إذ تتيح االأخيرة للمستخدم استخدام أكثر من طريقة لعرض المحتوى الإعلامي مثلا الدمج بين النص والصورة او النص ومقطع الفيديو وعليه يمكن توظيف الوسائط المتعددة لعرض المحتوى للجمهور المتلقي كيفما يشاء المستخدم