Maxwell formulated dynamical theory of the electromagnetic has showed light is an electromagnetic wave. The speed c of an electromagnetic wave is determined by the constants of electricity and magnetism. It is considerable that there are still many puzzling aspects of the nature of light. Einstein wrote in 1951: “All these fifty years of pondering have not brought me any closer to answering the question, what are light quanta?”

The history of the photon started in 1901 with the formula by Planck for radiation of a black body. Planck published his article: “On the Law of the Energy Distribution in the Normal Spectrum” and wrote: "One can realize that the energy element" should be proportional to the number of vibrations f, so: E=hf, here h is the universal constants”.,%20Energy%20distribution.pdf

In 1905, Albert Einstein suggested that electromagnetic waves could only exist as discrete wave-packets.

Gradually the Maxwell's equations were used as the basis for model of atoms.

However, “A photon-like wave-packet based on novel solutions of Maxwell’s equations is proposed. It is believed to be the first ‘classical’ model that contains so many of the accepted quantum features”.

In recent decades, the structure of photon is discussed and physicists are studying the photon structure.

In addition, new experiment shows that the probability of absorption at each moment depends on the photon's shape, also photons are some 4 meters long which is incompatible with unstructured concept that means trying to describe the structure of photon is reasonable.

Evidence shows the Standard Model is incomplete.

To review the standard model, the first step is reviewing the structure of fundamental particle. In CPH Theory, photons are combination of positive and negative virtual photons. Photon is a very weak electric dipole that is consistent with the experience. In addition, this property of photon (very weak electric dipole) can describe the absorption and emission energy by charged particles.

Beyond the Standard Model: Modern physics problems and solutions

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