The Amazon rain forest produces about 60 percent. global oxygen production necessary for the life of many different life forms on Earth, including humans and animals.

However, for several dozen years, Amazonia has been successively torn from tree stands. There are many known cases of killing indigenous peoples, Native Americans who try to protect the Amazon by devastation.

Fenced areas of the forest are quickly cut down, where the soil after tree felling is quickly eroded and reclamation of the degraded ecosystem is very difficult and in many areas impossible.

The Amazon rainforest is a globally unique ecosystem in which millions of different species of flora and fauna, unknown, not found in other regions of the world, live in natural biological balance.

these ecosystems were created for millions of years, they are unique, one of the greatest biologically treasurers of planet Earth, and man very quickly destroys this unique, species-rich ecosystem.

Progressing fast felling of trees and destruction are basically irreversible. Sometimes to cut a unique specimen of a tree, which grows for 100, 200 and more years, cutting machines, sawmill destroy many other trees only for the purpose of forming an access road for tartar machines to a specific, large, cut tree.

This is the economy of devastation and destruction of unique natural resources, species-rich ecosystems.

Paradoxically, man is responsible for this in the era of the 21st century civilization, it is very sad.

How to solve this problem, to change the economy of devastation into an ecological economy and to protect the unique resources of Amazonian ecosystems?

Time passes, and successively there is less and less time to solve this problem and find a way out of this patency sytauacji, the vicious circle of industrial exploitation, including the devastation of unique forest resources, rich in millions of species of natural Amazonian ecosystems.

If in the 21st century this problem is not effectively solved, subsequent generations of people will have much bigger problems in the matter of existence and life on Earth.

If in the 21st century mankind does not stop the progressing greenhouse effect on Earth and the devastating, predatory economy of forest clearing of the Amazon rainforest, then humanity in the XXII century will no longer have the conditions possible to survive on Earth.

Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?

In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:

Still after many years, the question is: What institutional and social measures should be used to effectively protect the tropical Amazon forest before its devastation?

Please, answer, comments.

Thank you very much

Best wishes

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