As a teacher, you have to adapt to the unexpected: new faces, new rules, new challenges. Adaptation may sound negative, in the sense of avoiding greater risks, but often it also offers new opportunities and serendipities for you. No risk, no fun.
What did you especially enjoy while teaching this year (2013)? Was it just a good feeling, or would you say, that you achieved something you never dreamed of? Tell us about your greatest success as a teacher: did you anticipate it, did you work hard on it, did you enjoy it, and - probably the best of all - did your students and colleagues like it?
If you had nothing but failures this year, please don't hesitate to share this also with us, so that we may learn from it too and give you some moral support, including plausible explanations of and similar experiences with the failure.
You are not alone! Most of the time there is more to a success or failure than one single person succeeding or failing, although that's the way we reconstruct it too often.
Failures are symptoms of a larger system not working properly to support fallible human beings to work in harmony with expectations and obligations towards other human beings.
Mutatis mutandis regarding successes: most of the time there were also favorable circumstances and supportive stakeholders, without which your success might have been less. Don't forget to mention them!