During the last eight years I have been searching for and collecting published items (journal papers, conference contributions, monographs, textbooks, guidelines, standards, books, readers, websites, ...) for my literature database about Educational Assessment (currently 63 core books + hundreds of other items).

Of course, I tried to be selective and only include the finest items I could find. But perhaps I have missed some which you consider to be a must have. What would you recommend for an essential reading about Educational Assessment? 

It doesn't matter which discipline you are affiliated with. Nor does it matter, what type of assessment the item that you recommend is focussing on. It would be nice, however, if you would also add the Unique Reading Point of the item you recommend: in what way does it stand off from the rest?

Let me start with a very practical item written by a life-long promotor of high-quality assessment: Phil Race (together with Sally Brown and Brenda Smith). Over time I will add some other stuff, that have helped me enormously to understand the potentials and/or pitfalls of Educational Assessment.

Thank you for your contributions!



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