Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, we have 100 dataset of EOAD samples from gene panel analyses of 50 genes, 40 probable CJD WES, 100 EOAD WES and more EOAD dataset on the way. We also have 500 well characterized dataset of dementia patients and healthy control samples with all biomarker dataset. Unfortunately, we do not have genetic analyses on these samples, especially epigenetic factors. We are planning to apply for the grants. In addition, for the larger dataset, we tap into Korean WGS database of 622 normal persons for now, which will expand to over 2000 in this year or next. We also tap into ADNI genetic dataset as collaboration.
OK thanks for that info. Id could be interested in helping if my skillset is needed. My background in computational biology. Seong Soo A. An , can you can email me for us to dialog about where the project stands - [email protected]
Below are two epigenetic projects Ive started or am planning:
1) Sequencing gut microbiome (DNA), patient (epigenome) of consumers of kombucha (DNA) , using nanopore platform (starting project in late spring).
2) Building an epigenetic database of actionable intervention based on epigenetic changes, rank ordering different primary literature based on Odds Ratio. For example what is most effective to reduce breast cancer (walking, running, diet, drugs) (project started)