Researchers react to the election of Donald Trump! Fine opinions.
Scientists consider what a Trump presidency will mean for research...
“During much of the night I have tried to imagine any positive outcome resulting from this election. I cannot see any at this point. Fundamental Research, dealing with climate change and the environment, nuclear weapons treaties, international relations, women’s rights, health and welfare, and more generally, public policy based on empirical reality, all have been dealt a blow.”...
Researchers react to the election of Donald Trump! Fine opinions.
Scientists consider what a Trump presidency will mean for research...
“During much of the night I have tried to imagine any positive outcome resulting from this election. I cannot see any at this point. Fundamental Research, dealing with climate change and the environment, nuclear weapons treaties, international relations, women’s rights, health and welfare, and more generally, public policy based on empirical reality, all have been dealt a blow.”...
We are all about to find out. No doubt there will be winners as well as losers. You can only hope that he does not throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak as right now anything seems possible.
like the europe (uk, germany and others) in teh use the surprie man win.
it is say the in the West the future of immigratede, foreign, negro and muslim is not good.
but the obama's politic about middleast was very bad. I hope the victory of Trump will be a good start for the people of syrıa, ırak and others. because Obama said t-esad will go in 5-6 months bu He still in power.
If the problem of middleast solve the migration crisis will solve easly.