Speaking of radiation damage in the Cryo-EM, I dont understand the concept behind this dose rate.

For example in this line "The total exposure time for producing one image composed of 70 frames was 14s and required a dose rate of 2 e-/Å2/sec"

Can some one explain this one image of 70 frames and this dose rate.

For X-ray diffraction, a larger crystal can tolerate a high total dose and often diffracts to high resolution because more molecules contribute to the diffraction. For single-particle cryo-EM, the total electron dose used to image each molecule is set to a very low level to preserve structural information at the subnanometer-resolution level. The consequence of such low-dose imaging is that individual images have a very poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

In the above lines very low level of electron dose here is defining the time limit or what?

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