01 January 1970 5 570 Report


I wanna ask you 'Rate constant (k)'.

I read a paper about the synthesis of NOx.

At that time, I was curious about the relation between k and reaction rate?

Here, (7) reaction shows 10^-11 cm^6 molecule^-1s^-1 and (8) reaction shows 10^-32 cm^6 molecule^-1s^-1, respectively.

And, it was indicated that (8) reaction for NO2- formation is predominant even though a lower k than (7) reaction.

Finally, what I want to ask is the relation between k and reaction rate because I thought that a higher k means a higher reaction rate.

I attached some pics.

Thank you so much.

ref: Peng, Peng, et al. "In situ plasma-assisted atmospheric nitrogen fixation using water and spray-type jet plasma." Chemical communications 54.23 (2018): 2886-2889.

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