My results for Freundlich nonlinear equation is:
1/n= 1.0166 and KF= 6.625 (since 1/n is near 1 it is approaches the linear form.)
for Temkin:
bT = 1.264394, AT = 1.003382
and D-R:
qs = 58.24566 , kad = 1.18E-06 (kad is negligible)
Surprisingly all mentioned diagrams, are precisely linear with R2=1 (when we add a linear trendlined in excel)
1) what can this imply?
2) I assum that we have to concider the linear (Nernst or Hernry's) isotherm. is it correct?
I attached the diagrams and the comparison between linear and non-linar forms.
I will be grateful for any help you can provide.