The economy of Venezuela is in a serious economic crisis. Hyperinflation occurs, no production of basic products, even food.

The centrally managed economy of Venezuela, a flawed antisocial economic policy led to an economic catastrophe in the country.

People have nothing to live on, no food, no job, no prospects for life.

In the past, there have been many similar examples of bringing central planning to the host country's catastrophe.

The analysis of the processes of undertaken economic reforms has developed specific pro-development social and host policies.

Similar processes went through the Polish economy in the late 1980s and early 1990s, which was in a similar situation, ie the collapse of production and investment with hyperinflation and high unemployment, the lack of basic consumer products needed for existence for citizens.

However, it was possible to efficiently and quickly apply the processes of marketization, liberalization of legal principles and norms specifying the conduct of business operations, the opening of the Polish economy to trade.

Then, in 2004, Poland was introduced into the European Union and now the Polish economy is one of the fastest growing.

Perhaps in Venezuela a similar process of healing economic processes should be applied.

And what is your opinion on this matter?

What model of economic reforms would you suggest for the healing of the Venezuelan economy?

What do you propose to the program of the socio-economic policy of healing being in the serious economic crisis of Venezuela?

Please reply

Best wishes

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